“What ails you, Uncle?”
Congratulations for being here. It takes courage for a man to even consider looking for help in anything, let alone matters of the heart. You are breaking the mold, good! It is the first step.
Eros abhors molds. Yours is an act of defiance to this Eros killing, mediocrity creating, conformity feeding modernity that turns men into robotic caricatures of brutes denying their grandness. The myth of self-reliance and individuality is a bad idea. It only creates unnecessary suffering and isolation.
We are not designed to do anything alone, especially in the domain of Love
Whom you love, when you love and how you love creates the future of the village. Love has always been the most important village business. Besides, we are erotic animals. Vastness opens up in each other’s embrace—a manly embrace is what I offer. You are here because of some troubles and you seek solutions. There is urgency. We need to find out what ails you.
Though I am a trained ontological coach—a school of coaching that works on the interaction of body, language and emotion—I consider myself a mentor. What is the difference? A coach is hired to help you reach your goals. As a mentor, I am not too concerned with your goals (which, in my experience, are heavily influenced by culture, personal stories and are seldom authentically self generated.) Rather, I seek to align myself with what you love, or better what is trying to Love you. As your mentor, I will steer you towards that embrace. Most of us avoid that embrace like the plague. We say we don’t, but we do. I sure did for the longest time—I did not have a mentor.
We are making an investment in each other. We will take it slow and create reference points to gauge our progress.
My job is to help you keep fidelity to the intention you set, the promises you make, to walk with you and hold the mirror up to your own magnificence.
Magnificence requires burnishing, detail, conscientiousness and some elbow grease. We will co-design practices, to break old patterns, conditioning, attitudes and moods. I am big on practices. Much of your success will depend on your adherence and commitment to the practices. They can be as light as reading a book or as hard as taking Tango classes. I will never push you to do things that you will not want to do. On the other hand, I can’t do practices for you.
Are you ready to begin?
Schedule a Session
Your first session is free of charge. Commitment precedes winning.

“Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man.”
— The Epic of Gilgamesh