Sacred male

Hey, if you found this page you probably just heard my interview with Ian at the Mythic Masculine podcast.

I have a couple of courses in May/June and a book coming up. Details will be up in a week or so.

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The Sacred Male

The sacred is as close as your gender. It is not out there, you embody it. It lives within your capacity to set the world aflame. The Ancient Ones called it Eros.

I will help you find Him.

Or rather, I will teach you how you can be found.

He has been looking for you for a long time.

And you know it.

It can because it happened to me. Eros found me and set me ablaze.

I will help you discover and practice the sacredness of your masculinity and your role in the service of Love so that the world can bloom again.

I call that the Erotic Discipline of Men. Come and learn and be amazed!

Who I Am

I am a student of mysteries, thus enthralled with women and the wild places, an unschooled Eros’ scholar, a mentor of men, a restorer of old practices and languages of the sacred. 

I have dived deep into the bin of discarded thoughts, useless in the efficiency of modernity, to retrieve the original luminous mandala of female and male relationship. 

The ocean of time has deposited layers on it that have rendered the mandala opaque, unrecognizable; a glob of seaweeds and spent shells washed on the beach, of no use to people trying to keep down a job, raise a family….. 

I have been tripping on that glob of seaweed many times, yet now the kelp has reached and wrapped itself around my limbs, holding me still until I could see the luminosity of the ancient mother-of-pearl hidden in its folds. I extracted it and polished it like Aladdin’s lamp only to become enchanted by its genie. Now under his spell, I hope, I walk and teach. 

There are a couple of pieces of paper hanging on my wall but I do seem to rely on them very much. I am mostly indebted to indigenous people here in the US and Africa who reminded me of the basics of a life in Love with the Earth and steeped in ritual. 

The late Malidoma Some’ is one of them, he still shines his eloquence upon me somehow, bless him and bless him again.

Martin Prechtel hosted me for years at his magic adobe school.  An alchemist from the Renaissance, an unparalleled wordsmith, and a ferocious thinker, he has attempted to chase thousands of prejudices and their self righteous baggage from my bones.  Something he did must have worked because I spend more time with my ducks, gardening and deep in the forest singing to trees and mountains, leaving offerings in the hope they help me in the great job of all;  to discover and cultivate the magnificence of being human

Ps. I’d like to tell you about the book I am finishing up writing called ‘The Erotic Code of Man’.  There is a lot of Dante in it, Beatrice of course, other poets, a little of my modern love misfortunes and a lot about Eros of course, the great scoundrel.   I think it is good; you will find yourself in the story.  I will offer it soon.  Sign up and I will let you know. Thank you

#65 | Sex, Love & The Discipline of Eros - Andrea Villa by Ian MacKenzie

A conversation about adoration, beauty, and the silence of the sacred.

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